Global preferences allow admin users to manage common school settings that apply to all school-owned devices or devices within a district. Here are the various global preferences available:
Application Access PIN
- Grants access to any blocked application on the device once the PIN is entered in the Mobile Guardian application. This pin is to be entered on the Mobile Guardian application in order to grant access to any blocked application on the device.
#Note: This setting is currently only applicable to Android Devices. This pin can also be configured per individual device at the device information section
Removal Password
- The default password allows you to remove the Mobile Guardian application. This is only applicable to macOS devices.
Install the Mobile Guardian Managed Application (iOS only)
- The Mobile Guardian managed application installs automatically once devices are enrolled.
#Note: It is recommended this option remains on
Prioritize Installation of the Mobile Guardian Managed Application (iOS only)
- Installs the Mobile Guardian app before other applications when enrolling devices.
Disable Places/Zones
- Hides Places/Zones from viewing on the Mobile Guardian Dashboard.
Do Not Store Location for Any Devices
- When enabled, Admin, Teacher, or Parent roles will not be able to view device locations on the Mobile Guardian Dashboard.
- For more information on "Do Not Store Location for Any Devices," click here.
Location Geofencing Disabled
- Disables location tracking for any enrolled devices.
Hide All SSIDs (Wi-Fi Network IDs) Connected to Devices
- Hides Wi-Fi network names connected to devices from the dashboard.
Show Web History Outside School Hours
- Allows users to view web history outside of school hours.
Overwrite Device Tags with Student Tags on Sign-In
- Overrides device tags, causing the device to inherit the tags set on the student.
- For more information on tags, click here.
Enable Automatic Class Join
- Allows students to automatically join a class.
- For more information on Automatic Class Join, click here.
Prefix for auto-naming
Auto-Naming of New Devices Added to the School Account
- Automatically renames devices to the name of the linked students.
- For more information on Auto-Naming, click here.
Keyword Settings
- Allows users to add and amend the School Keyword list individually or using the Bulk Keyword option.
- For more information on Bulk Keyword upload, click here.
School Hours
- By selecting the schedule for school hours, the device will switch to parental control outside of school hours.
- For more information on School Hours, click here.
Window Setting
- Allows users to set a window during which applications will be pushed to devices.
App & Device Updates
- Allows you to change how frequently settings are updated on devices.
- For more information on App and Device updates, click here.
Inappropriate Apps
- A general list of inappropriate applications in the related environment. Allows you to enforce or allow all listed applications.
- For more information, click here.
Vacation Mode Default Profile
- Allows admins to select the default profile that will become active when vacation mode is enabled.
- For more information, click here.
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