In this article, you will learn how to invite and link parents to the Mobile Guardian dashboard, as well as how to add devices and link them to student and parent accounts.
Key Points to Consider
When school devices are taken home by students, parents should acquire the Mobile Guardian for Home product for effective device management, which works in conjunction with Mobile Guardian for Education. Parents need to be invited to Mobile Guardian for Home, and once they have acquired it, their student’s device will be linked to their parent account.
What You Will Learn
- How to invite and link parents
- Parent invite status
- What a parent can expect
- How parent profiles work with school devices
How to Invite and Link Parents
Below are the methods to invite and link parents to Mobile Guardian.
Once invited, parents will receive an email invitation with instructions to complete the linking process.
#Note: You cannot add multiple parents to a single child, but you can assign multiple students to a single parent account.
Individual Updates:
Students can be assigned to a parent account within the Users section of the Mobile Guardian dashboard, either during the invitation process or by editing an existing parent account. Follow this link for instructions.
Bulk Updates:
Students and devices can be added and linked to parent accounts via the bulk add functionality. Follow this link for instructions.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Scenarios:
In BYOD scenarios, the school’s unique link code will be required for setup. Follow this link for instructions on how to add and link students and devices to a parent account.
Parent Invite Status
Admins can check the status of a parent invite, to determine if it is pending or accepted. Invites can also be re-sent by admin accounts.
Steps to Check Invite Status:
- Log in to your Mobile Guardian dashboard.
- Click on User Management.
- Scroll down and select Users.
- A list of users will be displayed. The status of each user will be shown next to their name.
Example of a parent with a pending invitation:
- To send or resend an invite, select the envelope icon to the right of the applicable parent.
What a Parent Can Expect
Parents will receive an email with a link to log in to their Mobile Guardian dashboard and verify their email address.
Steps for Parents:
- The parent will receive an invitation email:
- Clicking the link will take the parent to a page where they can accept the invitation:
- Upon accepting, the parent will create a password for their new account.
- Click Reset Password.
- Once completed, they will be logged in.
#Note: The pop-up only displays if the parent was sent an invite.
Visibility of the Student:
- If a student and device are linked to the parent account, the parent will see a student card and linked device on their dashboard.
- If no student or device is linked, the parent will be prompted to link or enrol a student and their associated device.
Updated Student Card:
Once a parent has accepted the invite, their status under Users will no longer include the “PENDING” tag.
How Parent Profiles Work with School Devices
Parent profiles are similar to school profiles, allowing parents to create their own rules and settings for their child's device(s). These profiles are created, applied, and monitored within the Parents Dashboard and will apply once the student's device leaves the geofence or the school schedule ends.
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