Dear Guardian
We have released a new Chrome OS extension, v2.2.68.
It was successfully deployed on 23rd of August to update the previous version. This extension was released due to the deprecation of a Google API impacting our Platforms functionality.
This update is crucial to ensure Mobile Guardian’s Chrome extension continues to function smoothly.
Required Steps
For a seamless update, ensure all Chrome OS devices are connected to the internet and that you have not pinned an older version of Mobile Guardian in your Google Admin Console.
If devices are not updating to the latest Chrome extension v2.2.68, ensure that your Google Workspace Organisation Unit is configured correctly as outlined in our Knowledge Base.
Once a device is online, the update will automatically download and apply to the device in the background. Once completed, you may need to restart the browser to activate the latest version of the extension.
Note: If the latest version of the extension is not implemented, Mobile Guardian will not operate as expected as of the 26th of August.
We understand the importance of seamless integration and reliability, and have thoroughly tested the new extension version to minimise any potential disruption.
If you encounter any unexpected behaviour or have questions about the update, our dedicated support team at
The Mobile Guardian Team