Mobile Guardian’s latest release focuses on ensuring student devices remain safe and secure at all times, with a number of quality of life improvements on top.
Due to the recent implementation of Xcode 14 by Apple on all iOS builds, the new minimum iOS version requirement is version 13. Therefore, to manage your devices effectively with Mobile Guardian all iOS devices must be updated to iOS version 13 and above.
By consistently reviewing and updating our infrastructure, we’ve taken more steps to ensure the modern classroom is conducive to learning, all around the world. This is further evident in the addition of Vietnamese to our Dashboard.
We cover each of these points and more below.
NB! iOS 13 Required for All iOS Devices
All iOS devices that are managed by Mobile Guardian have to be updated to iOS version 13 or higher to the Mobile Guardian application to run effectively.
Due to Apple implementing Xcode 14 as a minimum requirement for all builds for Apple platforms, iPad iOS version 13 is now the minimum version that is supported.
You can find out more about iOS application requirements for the App Store, as well as a detailed breakdown of Xcode support and Apple applications requirements.
If you have any questions or require assistance in managing your updates, contact us at support(at) to log a support ticket.
Safety & Security Update
Through consistent infrastructure updates and refinement, we continuously improve our systems of safety and security. These improvements ensure that all devices managed by Mobile Guardian are impenetrable and secure at all times.
Through constant, focused revision of our safety standards and adherence to international security standards ensure that Mobile Guardian remains a safe and secure device management solution for K-12 schools around the world.
Web Filter Improvements
Student safety and focus online is a primary focus of Mobile Guardian. Through continued updates to our Web Filter, we ensure that the correct websites and applications are blocked, allowing for on-task and focused classrooms.
With further improvements to our Safe Search functionality, the wonders of the world wide web are available to students in a safe and suitable way.
In addition to Safe Search improvements, the YouTube web filter has received more notable updates and improvements to ensure that regardless of the platform or application that students are learning on, Mobile Guardian ensures they remain safe and protected online.
Vietnamese Added to our Dashboard
We continue to work to expand the amount of languages supported by Mobile Guardian. Our efforts seek to serve global educational needs around the world. We’ve added Vietnamese to our dashboards for use in classrooms.
You can now benefit from our modern and sophisticated device management solutions in Vietnamese.
Class Content Improvements
In-class functionality and content distribution has been improved to ensure students receive and have access to the content required for their lesson at hand, without the hiccups.
By refining our Book sharing process, students and classes benefit from smoother and more efficient sharing of content from teacher to student.
Create classes that are on the same page, with Mobile Guardian’s Classroom Management solution, Learn.
If you have any questions or require assistance in managing your updates, contact us at support(at) to log a support ticket.
Team Mobile Guardian