The concept of Profiles in Mobile Guardian unifies several powerful features, allowing administrators to manage the “What”, "Where & When," and "Which Devices," of device usage. Once a device is enrolled, profiles help ensure it operates within desired restrictions and configurations based on the school's policy.
Understanding Profiles in Mobile Guardian
Managing Profiles
Administrators can view and edit all profiles from the Profiles section. It's important to establish a clear structure for creating and managing profiles to avoid complexity and ensure easy maintenance.
What is a Profile?
A Profile is a set of pre-defined configurations that administrators can apply to devices. These configurations include restrictions, privacy settings, network accounts, application visibility, home screen layouts, wallpapers, and more. Correct configuration is crucial to ensure the right settings are applied at the appropriate times and locations.
Profile Types
Mobile Guardian utilizes two main types of profiles: Baseline Profiles and Conditional Profiles. These profiles ensure that devices and students are always covered by the appropriate restrictions.
Baseline Profile
The Baseline Profile acts as a safety net, applied when no other profile is active. It ensures a minimum level of restrictions and configurations, applicable anytime and anywhere. Contrary to some beliefs, Baseline settings are not inherited by Conditional profiles. Instead, Baseline profiles enforce restrictions when Conditional profiles are not active.
- What: Configurations related to what the device can do and see.
Conditional Profile
Conditional Profiles offer flexibility, allowing configurations based on location, date, and time. Administrators can create an unlimited number of Conditional Profiles.
- What: Similar to Baseline Profiles, this section allows for different restrictions and settings.
- Where: Configurations based on coordinates, WiFi SSID, or Beacon details. Examples include classroom beacons, school location coordinates, and specific WiFi networks.
- When: Configurations based on date ranges, days of the week, and times of the day.
- Which: Determines which devices the profile applies to, categorized by home-owned, school-owned, or specific tags.
By understanding and utilizing these profiles effectively, administrators can ensure that devices are used safely and appropriately, in line with school policies.
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