To update your DEP token in Mobile Guardian, follow these steps. This guide will walk you through the process of downloading your public key, uploading it to Apple School Manager, and updating your server token.
Steps to Update DEP Token
Download the Public Key from Mobile Guardian
Log in to Mobile Guardian:
- Navigate to Settings and click on iOS MDM Settings.
Download Public Key:
- Click on the link to download your public key from your Mobile Guardian dashboard.
Upload Public Key to Apple and Download Server Token
Log in to Apple School Manager:
- Open Apple School Manager and log in with your Apple ID and password.
Navigate to Settings:
- Select Settings > Preferences from the bottom left of the application.
Find Your MDM Server:
- Scroll down to find your MDM server.
Select and Edit the Server:
- Click on the server name, then select Edit on the right side.
Upload the Public Key:
- Scroll down to MDM Server Settings, upload the public key file downloaded from Mobile Guardian, and select Apply on the top right.
Download the New DEP Token:
- Once applied, download the new DEP token by selecting the download token button at the top of the window.
Upload the DEP Token to Mobile Guardian
Log back into Mobile Guardian:
- Navigate to Settings and select iOS MDM Settings.
Clear and Upload Server Token:
- Select Clear server token and then upload the updated server token downloaded from Apple School Manager.
Congratulations, you have now successfully updated your iOS DEP token in Mobile Guardian!
By following these steps, you ensure your Mobile Guardian setup is up-to-date with the latest DEP token, maintaining seamless device management.
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