An Apple MDM Push Certificate (APNS) is necessary, once your device count exceeds 10. To avoid the hassle of re-enrollment later, it’s best to complete this process from the beginning.
To enable Mobile Guardian to manage your District's devices, such as handling applications, sending commands, and applying configurations and restrictions. Apple requires the creation and upload of an APNS certificate.
Having the APNS certificate configured on your District Level will ensure that all linked schools will be covered. However, each school can have its own APNS certificate created and added through the District Level or directly to the school.
Before you start you will need to have an Apple ID to generate your APNS certificate.
Manage your District APNS Certificate:
- Download Your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from Mobile Guardian:
- Log in to Your Mobile Guardian District Dashboard:
- Navigate to the left-hand side panel.
- Click on Settings.
- Select APNS from the drop-down menu.
- On the right-hand side, Select Add New
- you will see a link to download your CSR.
- Click the download link and save the CSR file for later use.
- Generate the APNS Certificate from Apple
- Click on the Apple Push Certificates Portal link.
- You will be redirected to the Apple Login page.
- Sign in using the Apple ID you wish to link to the certificate.
- Upload the Mobile Guardian CSR to Apple:
- Click on Create a Certificate.
- Agree to Apple’s Terms of Use by ticking the checkbox and clicking Accept.
- On the “Create a New Push Certificate” page, upload the CSR file downloaded from Mobile Guardian.
- Click on the Choose File button to select the CSR file.
- After uploading the “Mobile_Guardian_APNS.csr” file, click Upload.
- Once uploaded, download the APNS certificate from the confirmation screen.
#Note: Add the District Name in the Notes field to know which District it belongs to
- Upload Your APNS Certificate to Mobile Guardian
- Navigate Back to Mobile Guardian and return to the APNS Settings screen.
- Enter a name for your Apple ID and upload the APNS certificate by clicking on the Select Certificate button.
- After uploading the certificate, click the Update Certificate button.
- Your screen will now display your certificate details.
Important Notes:
- If you revoke or add a new certificate, all devices must be unenrolled and re-enrolled.
- The certificate must be renewed annually through the Apple ID portal.
- Ensure you retain the login details.
- A certificate renewal does not require re-enrollment of devices.
- Mobile Guardian will remind you when the certificate is due for renewal.
We hope you found this guide useful.
Thanks for reading! 🙂