When at the end of a school year or term, or simply needing to update classroom rosters, the prospect of organising your students in Google Classroom, and preparing for the new year may appear overwhelming. However, it doesn't have to be. By following a few straightforward steps, you can alleviate any concerns and feel more confident about the process.
Allow us to offer some professional tips on effectively managing your classrooms. Based on our experience of managing thousands of Google Classroom environments around the world, these tips will make your Google Classroom management workflow smoother and more effective.
Return Student Work
For students moving to the next grade, level, or to a different class, returning work helps in the transition process. It provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses they should be aware of as they progress in their academic journey.
It provides a sense of closure to the academic year, allowing both teachers and students to celebrate achievements and acknowledge growth. Recognizing accomplishments, no matter how small, contributes to a positive and motivating learning experience.
To do this, you would follow a few steps:
- Navigate to your Google Classroom
- Open the respective class
- Select the Assessment you wish to return
- Select all Student and Select Return
The student work will be returned to the students and will allow you to clean out your Google Classroom further.
Removing Students From Your Google Classroom
Next up is to move the students out of your classrooms and free the classrooms for the next bunch of inquisitive minds.
It is important to remove the students from the classroom, as it simplifies user management for the teacher, reducing the number of inactive or irrelevant student accounts in the Google Classroom. This makes it easier to monitor and engage with the current set of students. Removing students from the previous year prevents potential confusion in communication channels and ensures that announcements, updates, and messages are targeted to the correct set of students, avoiding any unnecessary notifications to former class members.
Furthermore, it helps with controlling access to the particular Classroom, limiting only the current and relevant students to the class. This helps in maintaining the integrity of ongoing discussions, assignments, and any other class-related activities. Those are just a few of the reasons to clear the students from your Google Classroom.
Let's take you through the steps to remove the students from the respective class:
- First, log into your Google Classroom dashboard
- Next, you would select the respective class and select the People tab
- You would then need to select the students. You may select all the students by selecting the checkbox located next to the Actions dropdown box.
- You would then proceed to select the drop-down and then select the Remove option and the selected students would be removed from the classroom.
Archiving Your Classes
Archiving your classrooms on Google Classroom at the end of the year contributes to organisational efficiency, streamlined communication, resource management, and an overall enhanced user experience for both teachers and students. It is a proactive step in maintaining a well-organised and efficient digital learning environment.
To archive your classes:
- Head over to your Google Classroom Dashboard.
- Select the kebab on the top right of the Class Tile.
- Once you have selected Archive, you will be presented with the below window. Please take note of what it says and then select Archive to continue.
- Not to worry, if you require access to a previously Archived classroom, it is stored on your Google Drive and may be easily restored through the Google Classroom Dashboard.
- You would simply select the Archived Classes button in the left navigation menu
- Select the kebab on the top right of the Class Tile you wish to restore and select the Restore option.
The classroom will be restored to your class list.
Removing Your Classrooms from Your Google Calendar
Removing a classroom from your Google Calendar at the end of the year is crucial for maintaining an organised, efficient, and up-to-date schedule. It supports clear communication, helps with time management, and ensures that your calendar remains a reliable tool for planning and coordination.
To remove the classes from the calendar just takes a few clicks and you will be set. You will be able to remove it or simply hide it from the list.
To remove and unsubscribe from the classroom calendar:
- Navigate to your Google Calendar and select the X next to the respective class.
To hide the Classroom from your Calendar:
- Select the kebab of the classroom and select Hide From List.
To assist even further you can Archive and store your year's class material from the class to keep for a later stage, and to keep your classroom folder on your Google Drive more organised.
- To do so, navigate to your Google Drive and search for or select the Classroom folder. This folder will contain all your classes and the material you have used during the year.
- In the related Class folder, Create a New Folder called Archive 2023 or anything of your choosing.
- Once you have done so, move all the documents to the newly created folder to store it and keep your classroom folder organised for the new year.
#NOTE: If you delete the files they will no longer be available in Google Classroom. Depending on your Google Workspace for Education plan, the files may be restored for up to 30 days in your Google Drive Bin.
Removing and Updating your class on Mobile Guardian
Finally, it's time to update your Classes in Mobile Guardian. Open your Mobile Guardian Dashboard, where you will delete the related classes if they are not needed any longer.
- To do so, select the kebab from the top right corner of the respective class and select Remove Class.
- If you would like to keep the class once you have added the new students and documents for the new year, simply select “Google Sync” at the top of the screen and classrooms and their relevant students and content will sync to your Mobile Guardian Dashboard. Once completed you will be ready for the next class.
Thank you, we hope this has been helpful and wish you all the best with your new class.
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