Tags are a crucial feature of the Mobile Guardian dashboard, allowing you to link your devices with specific apps and profiles. When a device and a profile or application share the same tag, the device becomes eligible for that profile or application.
Using Tags in the Mobile Guardian Dashboard
The Tags menu within the Settings section provides a comprehensive overview of your active tags. Here, you can see which devices, apps, and profiles have tags applied, and you can also edit or delete tags as needed.
Managing Tags:
- View all active tags
- Add new tags
- Remove unused tags
Profile Example:
- Device A has the tag 'Cart 1'
- Profile 'Cart Devices' also has the tag 'Cart 1'
- Result: The profile 'Cart Devices' is eligible to be active on Device A
#Note: Other factors such as schedule and zone are also considered for conditional profiles
Application Example:
- Device A has the tag 'Grade 9 Apps'
- The Airbnb app is tagged with 'Grade 9 Apps'
- Result: The Airbnb app will be installed on Device A
#Note: The tag's application will determine if the installation occurs automatically or needs to be triggered from within the Mobile Guardian app
Best Practices for Using Tags
Devices can have multiple tags. To maximize control, it's recommended to use separate tags for profiles and apps. This separation allows you to manage apps and profiles individually on each device. However, you can also choose to link profiles and apps closely if that suits your needs better.
Tagging Students
Tags can be bulk added to students, which can override or append to the tags on the linked devices. Here's what you can do:
- Delete students
- Overwrite device tags with student tags
- Append student tags to device tags
- Apply tags to students
- Remove tags from students
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