Restriction settings are set at the profile level and consist of overriding privacy restrictions applied to devices.
Configuring Restriction Settings in Profiles
To configure these restrictions:
Navigate to Profiles:
- Select the Profile you want to edit by clicking the Pencil icon.
- Under the "What" section, you will see the following icon in the edit profile screen:
Common Restriction Settings Across Operating Systems:
- Disable Camera
- Hide Location
- Hide SSID
OS-Specific Restrictions:
- Disable access to settings
- Disable 3rd party browsers
- Configure WiFi settings: Force WiFi On/Off/User's choice
- EMM settings
- AMA Zero-Touch Settings
iOS (Supervised):
- Airprint
- Block application installation and removal
- Block cloud services
- Block Device Modification
- Block explicit content
- Block files application connectivity
- Block media services
- Block Safari
- Block Sharing
- Block Social
- Block spending
- Block system preferences
- Block voice and text assistant
- Classroom
- Lock Down Privacy
- Lock Down Security
- Turn Bluetooth On/Off
- Prevent sign-out of the Mobile Guardian application
#Note: Supervised iOS devices running later versions offer the most additional restrictions. The restrictions apply only to supervised iOS devices and versions are identifiable on the screen.
- Block application installation and removal
- Block cloud services
- Block media services
- Block Safari
- Block Sharing
- Block Social
- Block system preferences
- Block voice and text assistant
- Lock Down Security
Fallback to Baseline Profile:
If no iOS or macOS restrictions are defined, the restrictions will default to those set in the Baseline profile. It is crucial to set Privacy restrictions in the Baseline profile to ensure device security.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage and apply restriction settings across different operating systems to maintain device security and privacy.
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