The Activity Timeline offers teachers a powerful tool to ensure all their students are on the same page. With a quick glance, you can confirm that students have the correct website open, which is especially handy during quizzes to prevent students from searching the web for answers.
The Activity Timeline displays browsing information for ChromeOS, Android, and iOS devices. To learn more about the information displayed per OS, please scroll to the bottom of this guide. You can also scroll back through the timeline to see what sites students visited during class.
Features and Functions
Live Activity Timeline
The Live Activity Timeline is accessible during all classes. Here's a look at its various features:
- Colour-Coded Bars: The bars change colour to match active sites and applications. Active students are listed on the left-hand side. As soon as they start browsing or using Chrome applications, the activity timeline will display their information.
- Sorting Options: You can sort by the student's online status and first or last name.
Scrolling through the Timeline
You can scroll back through the timeline to see what sites students visited during class.
- Scrolling Back:
- Click the Back Arrow to navigate to a specific time period.
- Returning to Live Activity:
- Scroll forward to the current time to return to live activity.
Zooming into the Timeline
The Zoom feature allows you to expand specific time periods, helping you view browsing or application activity that might have been active for just a single minute.
- Using Zoom:
- Click the Zoom icon to change the zoom scale of the timeline.
Displaying Activity Information
Click on any of the bars to display more details about the activity. The pop-up will display the site or application name, URL, and the time spent on the activity.
Activity Timeline by OS
The Activity Timeline for ChromeOS devices tracks and displays all browsing activity, including:
- Chrome browsing
- Mobile Guardian application
The Activity Timeline for Android devices tracks and displays all browsing activity when students use:
- Mobile Guardian Application
- Android Applications
- Mobile Guardian Safe Browser
The Activity Timeline for iOS devices tracks and displays all browsing activity when students use:
- Mobile Guardian Application
- Mobile Guardian Safe Browser
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